Anne Hamilton-Bruce

Anne Hamilton-Bruce is a Principal Medical Scientist and Director of the Stroke Research Programme, Neurology, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, a Principal Research Fellow at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and an Affiliate Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide.  With a background in medical science/management/legal studies, she researches cerebrovascular disease and clinical models of care. Anne is excited about and inspired by research and undertakes biomarker research with the 'FAST-IT – Find A Simple Test in TIA' study. She also has a special interest in human-animal interactions and wellbeing, and collaborates across boundaries with allied health/nursing/medical and veterinary professionals. Previously Anne led the introduction of Own Pet Dog Visiting and Delta Therapy Dogs at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and more recently DOgSS or ‘Dogs Offering Support after Stroke’ - an Action Research Project at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Anne has been a longstanding member and also committee member of SAMSA, supporting the organisation and its members.